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Q. Geronimo has a lot of cool people who work hard...Tell us what makes them so cool? 


A. Psssssh, I'm the coolest one and I don't even try.



Q. What is your favorite saying from the Geronimo Manifesto and why? How do you apply it to your everyday? 


A. Live. Laugh. Tequila. I drink tequila... like, a lot.  

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SHAWN Gonzales



If you ever want to meet a cool dude, do we ever have the guy for you! Shawn has been sliding tequila down the bar at truk't for the last three years, and he's damn good at it. The bar is his domain. Be sure to stop in some time and watch him sling some drinks (think Tom Cruise from the movie Cocktail... but better!)

Q. What in the world were you doing before you came to work with Geronimo? 


A. A month long road trip that ate all my money and I started the day I got back.



Q. So far, how has Geronimo been different from your previous work experience(s)? 


A. Cleaner bathrooms.



Q. What has your Geronimo journey been?  


A. I'm in the same place and position I was three years ago, but I am happy. Stop mocking me.

Q. In your career, what is the gameplan? 


A. Become the King of the Universe.

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Q. If you had to pick a favorite Geronimo brand (other than truk't) which one would it be and why? 


A. Velvet Buffalo spaghetti = yum.




Q. For anyone thinking about getting into hospitality, share some words of wisdom ? 


A. Let your personality shine and be a little mean sometimes.

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